Publié le 28 octobre 2021




Pre Scriptum : the original language of this text is French. Unfortunately, when it comes to semantics, etymology, and homophony, no translation can be effective in preserving the original meaning. To remedy this and maintain explicit content, I have decided to include the original French word in parentheses and underline it.



First of all, I would like to clarify that this thesis is not a part of any academic work, as many often assume. If we go by the definition of the word « thesis » given by the Larousse dictionary: « a theoretical statement, opinion, or position on something that one strives to prove », then my work certainly qualifies for this title without the recognition of any system or authority. It does not require or seek it. It is with unlimited freedom of thought, without making any concessions, and, above all, without being answerable to anyone, that we will examine, from all angles, our favorite topics as polymaths.


Thanks to this state of mind, original ideas have been able to flourish and reveal themselves outside the boundaries in which our curiosity is typically confined. To be invigorated by such an opening is a blessing, and I would like, without having to blush, to share with you the rose of its quintessence. 






The genesis of this thesis goes back to the day my eyes turned to the sky, or at least, the night I realized that the starry sky was turning inexorably around a fixed point, like a wheel around an axle. As I pondered this grand spectacle, it never crossed my mind that my honest contemplation of the workings of the cosmos would inspire me to delve into a multitude of fields, connecting astronomy to the seemingly stationary world of mineralogy.


At first, I turned to academic science. Despite convincing discoveries in certain fields, such as quantum physics, I found many theories and very few theorems. Unlike a theorem, a theory is based on speculation. It is a system of hypotheses that attempts to find cohesion in established principles, whether philosophical or mathematical. In other words, a theory cannot be proven through an empirically demonstrable line of reasoning. Therefore, it does not define immutable rules and laws that apply to reality. And, surprisingly, this explicit observation seems to have escaped the attention of some players in the scientific community: those who continue dressing something up.


Indeed, contemporary scientific dogma is based on complex theories that cannot be demonstrated outside of a mathematical language, whose abstractions border on increasingly surreal horizons. All the more so because this language is based on a semantic architecture where equations tend to interconnect, intertwine, and reflect each other in a closed circle. This forms an artificial structure on which we continuously build without considering the actual solidity of its foundation. Theoretical science can be compared to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, with a solid base that supports itself well. However, with each new addition, it runs the risk of toppling under the accumulation of its deviations and inconsistencies. The lines of glyphs highlighted in the equations are, of course, very impressive for the average person. However, as René Guénon pointed out, they are far removed from the sensible reality they claim to explain. Currently, string theory is undeniably the most noteworthy illustration of the intersection of complex mathematics with the logical complexity found in the biological world. Faced with this observation, a question arises: why do we continue to spend so much time and energy studying spaces that have no relevance to the measurements used in everyday life on Earth?


Before delving into the realms invisible to the naked eye, such as astrophysics and particle physics, perhaps the scientific community would benefit from taking time to reflect on the manifestation of the real laws of nature with the seriousness they deserve. It is paradoxical that at the dawn of the twenty-first century, the physiognomy of life still remains an enigma. This is surprising given that our society prides itself on its knowledge of the origins of our cosmos and constantly pushes the boundaries of our understanding. Perhaps it would be wise for us to humble ourselves and focus on the essentials. The causes (the cause?) of life deserve much more attention than its effects. Instead, university professors often use conceptual abstractions that are not based on concrete evidence. This masks their incompetence and lack of understanding of observable reality. By subjugating their audiences, such as their students and science fiction fans, with smoke and mirrors, they manage to impress and fascinate. However, their works do not align with the basic principles of scientific inquiry and understanding.


The day academics distance themselves from theoretical science, which often leads nowhere, may be the day that the great puzzles of nature are finally reconsidered in their lecture halls. Once this happens, science can once again be in symbiosis with the universal fundamentals of physics. There will be no shortage of research topics. We might start, for example, by looking at the influence of lunar radiation on the perpendicular growth of plants, or the analogous relationship between the bronchi of a lung and the branches of a tree (the former is sheltered from sunlight and performs the function of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, while the latter absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen under the direct influence of the sun).

Analogy lung – tree

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) – the visionary of invisible physics – had already warned us in 1931 about the mystifying excesses of theoretical science embodied by Albert Einstein. In an article published in the New York Times : « Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. »


Indeed, the case of Albert Einstein is more than symptomatic in revealing the intellectual doldrums in which we are immersed. By ‘borrowing’ the basic principles of his theory of general relativity from the French physicist Henri Poincaré (1854-1912), it is difficult to deny that the fame of this transgenerational science icon is more a product of social engineering than genuine genius.


To consider a ‘thief’ as a revered role model speaks volumes about the current state of affairs and the level of respect given to our institutions. Such deception not only affects the integrity and ethics of the very foundations of our society, but also impacts the technology we rely on in our daily lives.


At a time when electromagnetic waves connect all the inhabitants of the earth, the discrepancy between the engineering of a mobile phone and that of the gasoline engine of a car, whose basic technology is about one hundred and seventy years old, is not only laughable but also prompts us to consider a question in earnest: are the ‘scientific’ works brought to the forefront by the system the only ones that do not pose a threat to its dominance and the success of its economic model? This question is worth exploring...


So, beware! If your goal is to graduate from a prestigious university and have a successful career, it is imperative to steer clear of certain subjects. Directing your research outside the framework imposed by regal conformism, especially when it challenges the theories of the infallible gods of the scientific pantheon, is a mistake that should be avoided. Despite the obvious impasses, it is unthinkable to question the ingrained beliefs of the scientific community. Refusing to bow down to these widely accepted doctrines would result in excommunication, loss of credibility, and respectability.


 Since I have nothing to lose, gain, or even prove to anyone, it is easier for me to be honest and highlight the insignificance of ‘extraterrestrial’ physics in comparison to the main focus of this study: the revolutions of the stars above us. Although astrophysicists have yet to determine the mechanics driving these revolutions, they remain steadfast in their pursuit, bound by the tenets of their education, to prove this phenomenon through Isaac Newton's universal law of gravitation (1642-1726).


The equation of this theory does indeed quantify the parameters of the fall of an object on Earth, and provides a mathematical solution to explain the equilibrium between two celestial bodies. However, it does not specify the cause of their displacement, which is also regular. Ever Since the former president of the Royal Society pronounced on the law of gravity, no member of the establishment has sought to elaborate on the cause of the rotational force with diligent seriousness worthy of the scientific method (vectorized by f  in the illustration below, where the orbital path of the moon around the center of the Earth is taken as an example). This force, to use current nomenclature, is never taken into account: this is precisely where the problem lies.

Law of universal gravitation

If no answer explaining the origin of the force f  can be formulated, then gravity cannot be fully validated as it is presented by contemporary cosmology. It is important to consider that this force cannot be detected by any device and cannot be reproduced in a laboratory by scientists. Of all the fundamental interactions, the so-called cohesive force remains one of the biggest mysteries of physics today. It eludes our comprehension the most, making it even more perplexing. As a result, we should not be afraid to acknowledge that the lack of scientific rigor surrounding this concept is not reassuring about the quality of expertise and weakens the pillars on which its reputation rests.


In spite of everything, speculations – with each one more implausible than the last – continue to be put forward on the scientific scene. In truth, since the introduction of the curvature of space-time theory and the hypothetical subatomic particles of the quantum world known as gravitons, we haven't advanced one iota. Why? Because the origin of this natural phenomenon still remains unfathomable to the science of our peers. They simply explain that the kinetics of celestial bodies are reminiscent of a hypothetical explosion at the origin of our universe – the smokey ‘big-bang’ – presented to the world by the Jesuit, Georges Lemaître, at the end of the nineteenth century. In any case, Newtonian gravity poses another problem: the unification between quantum mechanics and the theory of general relativity. If gravity cannot be removed from the equation, we must recognize that theoretical physics is once again facing the constraints of its own complexity and extravagance.


Once we accept that some theories are now taught as absolute truths, it becomes clear that science has lost its inherent beauty. Its glory days are now in the past, and the boundaries that once distinguished it from religion are now blurred. Richard Feynman (1918-1988), the Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 1965 for his work on the development of quantum electrodynamics, had no problem admitting that: « Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. »


Even though the Standard Model of astrophysics may seem satisfactory, our understanding of the universe is still juvenile, incorrect, and riddled with inaccuracies. The human race will never truly progress from its cosmic stone age if we continue to build upon the foundations of a science that has proven its limitations. Rather than being an empirical theorem, it is more of a speculative theory. It is a fact that science has become entrenched in doctrinal systems from which it is difficult to extricate. The guards of the university, adorned with an attitude of superiority and an open vanity, often mock anything that falls outside their narrow scope of possibilities. Such a mentality will never be able to initiate the paradigm shift needed for the scientific world to evolve. The day our approach merges with the principles at the source of creation, perhaps nature will reveal to us the gears used by the steward of its masterful clock again.


Despite this consensus, it is important not to fall into the trap of extremism and dismiss all theories. Some theories are worth considering as they stem from pure intelligence rather than just mathematical calculations. One such theory is the concept of energy and dark matter, which has captured the attention of the scientific community since Edwin Hubble's observations in 1929.


Since then, many astrophysicists have believed that the expansion of our universe is linked to a dynamic, invisible phenomenon intrinsic to space. Considered 96% empty, this space would not be empty at all; it would be filled with an energetic substance that is indescribable to our tangible world, yet capable of interacting with it. The void would thus be full of a kinetic essence, more or less dense, that no one can understand, measure, or replicate. It is not impossible that behind the world accessible to man's senses lies a continuum of which we are totally unaware. It was not David Bohm (1917-1992), one of the fathers of quantum physics, who brought the contradiction. He actually declared: « Space is not empty, it is full. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of dark energy. »

Materia Prima

From an academic cosmology perspective, there are still several fundamental questions about celestial mechanics that remain unanswered. In my opinion, the most insightful questions are as follows:


-       What causes the earth to rotate on its axis?

-       What causes the earth to revolve around the sun?

-       What causes the solar system to revolve around the center of the galaxy?

-       Why do the planets revolve around the sun on a common plane?

-       Why do planets rotate on their axes?

-       Why can we predict the movement and position of the stars with such great accuracy over time?

-       Why do the earth, the sun, and all the planets have the shape of a sphere?

-       According to the empirical law of action-reaction physics, what kind of energy is consumed in the movement of the stars?

-       Is it possible that the circular motion of our bright stars is a reaction to the action of this mysterious dark energy?

-       Aren't the mysteries surrounding the mechanics of universal gravity the observable effects of an invisible cause within dark energy?


I think the answers to these questions lie at the heart of the abstraction known as « dark energy ». But how can we apprehend this invisible, unknown, and unexplored space? If modern science has reached its limits, where should we turn?






At the age of 30, I came across a book titled: The Mystery of the Cathedrals and the Esoteric Interpretation of the Hermetic Symbols of the Great Work, written by Fulcanelli, a renowned French adept. This book, a quintessential piece in the field of alchemy, provided me with the long-awaited keys to unlock the elusive doors to the metaphysical realm of dark energy. It was the spark that set off an explosive chain reaction of insights and revelations.


However, the keys to this access were carefully guarded behind the smokescreen of a ‘pictorial language’, of cryptic, cabalistic nature. Curiously, the mysterious essence of this art mesmerized my mind from the first paragraphs written by the master. Despite feeling powerless to capture its essence, its vibration was not unfamiliar to me. Its alluring aroma had already resonated with me since childhood, though at the time, I was unaware of its existence beyond the understanding of my own secret garden. The best way to shed light on the meaning of « cabale » (derived from the Latin « cabbalus ») is to define it: « It is a language of hieroglyphic symbols that encompasses all forms of expression, including images, words, letters, numbers, sounds, colors, shapes, and weights. It also involves secret codes and conventions, with metaphor and emblematic rebuses being the most common. It takes on various forms and depends on the culture and creativity of those who use it. »


Today, unfortunately, the only known cabale in Western culture is the atrophied version preserved by speculative Masonry and the rabbinic tradition, which emerged in thirteenth-century Spain through the Zohar (the Book of Splendors). Contrary to popular belief, « Kabbalah », or « Qabbalah » for a more effective mystification, is not an original or predominant current, but rather a reflection of an ancient tradition that predates Jewish mysticism. Furthermore, the word « kabbalah » is not of Hebrew origin, as it comes from the Greek word « kabbalès ». This is why to avoid any confusion and promote the true meaning of the term, experts in the field prefer to use « Hermetic cabale » (in honor of the Greek god Hermes) instead of « cabale » to showcase the universal nature of the concept.


In any case, whether it is « cabbalus » in Latin or « kabbalès » in Greek, these terms both define the emblematic animal of knowledge since ancient times: the horse. The semantic relationship between « cabalist » (cabaliste) and « horseman » (cavalier) becomes more obvious, coherent, and justified in the light of the initiatory tales written by Chrétien de Troyes during the first crusades and the discovery of oriental folklore. From the vastness of our earthly astronomical fascination, how can we not ponder the legendary Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur, and their pursuit of the Holy Grail – the ultimate chalice – through a hermetic lens? It is no coincidence that the day of the hero, always embodied by a valiant horseman – the expression of the Donum Dei – is so emblematic for an initiatory tradition that dates back to the dawn of time. It is a fact, and we shall have occasion to demonstrate it in more detail, that the Pegasus mount was already well-known under the starry sky of the Chaldeo-Egyptian priestly castes.


Pegasus with the "Cabalist" Hermes in the Caroussel garden - Paris, France

In order to understand how the spirit of the cabale is articulated, let's take the well-known example of the word « occult » (this choice is not trivial since it will allow you to remove from your thinking the association that popular culture makes of it with demonic practices). The structure of this word breaks down into « o », « c » and « cult ». To a Hermetist, the « o » is the hieroglyphic sign of the sun and the « c » in its curvature is the sign of the moon. Therefore, « occult » emphasizes the worship of these two luminaries.  In terms of its significance, this reading resonates with the definition given by the Larousse dictionary: « pertaining to actions or beliefs that are performed or held secretly, with hidden goals or intentions: an occult influence. »


This topic holds a vast amount of potential for inspiration and serves as a conduit for my most thought-provoking ruminations. I am certain that the path of this mysterious tradition is not one that is permanently closed, and I am constantly drawn towards the enigmatic realm of the invisible. As I approach my 33rd birthday, I turn my gaze towards the rising sun from the sublunar world.






Before continuing, I believe it is important to briefly explain why the Hermetic Philosophy and its 3 practical applications – alchemy, magic, and astrology – are no longer esteemed and revered as they were by our ancient predecessors.


Certainly, just the mention of either of them is enough to trigger sneers from our contemporaries. This contemptuous mentality was overseen by a school of thought that was born in the eighteenth century, which dared to divert the meaning and use of the word « Philosophy » without any shame. Let us be very clear on this subject – authentic Philosophy has nothing in common with the « philosophy » of the Enlightenment. The sociological, humanist, and naturalist speculations of the latter were never the same interests shared by philosophers of antiquity, such as Zarathustra (c. 6th BCE), Aristotle (384-322 BCE), or Confucius (551-479 BCE). The quest for spirituality, wisdom, and truth certainly did not have the same purity among the editors of the encyclopedia and their Germanic counterparts.


Why did the intellectual movement of the eighteenth century choose to label itself as « the philosophy of the Enlightenment (the philosophy of lights) » rather than « the philosophy of the Light »? The use of the plural form for « light » suggests a malevolent intention to fragment a concept that cannot be divided. Such manipulation, seemingly harmless, distorts the truth, altering it into a multi-faceted and ever-changing idea, dependent on one's individual perspective.


Let us not allow ourselves to be blinded by the worldly deceit of a certain bourgeois drawing-room. Let us not lose sight of the true definition of Philosophy: the love of wisdom. As Pythagoras (6th century BCE) stated : « I am a philosopher, one who strives for wisdom, not one claiming to possess it. ».  Manipulating words to alter their original meaning, in order to weaken the power of their egregores, is a tactic used by a dominant ‘elite’ to establish and maintain their power, while disregarding the traditional heritage of our past.


Under the revolutionary influence of the Age of Enlightenment, often incorrectly credited to the general population by our history books, society descended into a frenzied and perilous state of obscurantism. All remnants of the previous culture's beliefs were to be eradicated, disregarded, and ultimately forgotten. As a symbolic manifestation of this destructive mindset, our grand cathedrals were subjected to looting and devastation.

Spire of the Notre-Dame Cathedral - Paris, France

The Jacobin mentality, completed by spurious initiations, has allowed for the rise of upstart individuals who have definitively dealt the final blow to the abject idea that man could ever be considered equal to God. This kind of doctrine is blasphemous, in direct opposition to the words of 1 Corinthians 6:19: « Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own ». As a result, the Gnostic belief in divine transcendence has been pushed aside, replaced by a cunningly devised system that no longer acknowledges any truth beyond the one of the all-seeing eye.


Ever since the rise of Illuminism, which is characterized by materialism, naturalism, and nominalism, anything that cannot be demonstrated, qualified, or measured is deemed nonexistent. Similar to the standpoint of St. Thomas, the encyclopaedia now only accepts what is observable, and Hermetic doctrines have been firmly branded as superstitious beliefs. However, we must not underestimate the consequences of this dominant rationalism, which has led to the inertia, conformism, and narrow-mindedness prevalent in today's scientific community.  René Guénon further describes that: « Rationalism is essentially defined by the belief in the supremacy of reason, proclaimed as a true dogma, implying the negation of pure intellectual intuition, which logically entails the exclusion of all true metaphysical knowledge. »


Parentheses closed, let us return to a more vertical approach to our considerations.






The first crucial step involves understanding the mysteries of Hermetic Philosophy, and this can only be accomplished through studying its texts. However, this task is not an easy one for the occultist, as this literature is often filled with deception. Without knowledge of the fact that initiates purposely conceal their writings with the aid of the cabale to protect them from the envious, reading their grimoires is futile. Countless aspirants have been misled as a result. Michael Sendivogius, the famous alchemist of the seventeenth century, better known as the Cosmopolitan, already warned us: « If Hermes, the father of the Philosophers, were to rise today, with the subtle Geber and the profound Raymond Lulle, they would not be regarded as Philosophers by our vulgar Chymists. Our vulgar Chymists would scarcely deign to place them among their Disciples, as they would be ignorant of their methods of distillation, circulation, calcination, and all the innumerable operations which our vulgar chymists have invented due to their misinterpretation of the allegorical writings of these philosophers. »


Adding to this, it is imperative to avoid the many misinterpretations and fraudulent additions that have plagued this tradition. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, there was a widespread enlightenment that caused a tsunami of new ideas. However, this also opened the door for false prophets to manipulate the teachings of Hermes in order to captivate their audience. To truly understand Hermeticism, it is essential to focus on original texts from the Eastern tradition that were translated into Greek after Alexander the Great's conquests in the fourth century BCE. By avoiding these deceptions, we can attain a more accurate understanding of this ancient Philosophy.


When the Macedonian seized Egypt and installed one of his generals as the new pharaoh (« pharaoh » is a term of Greek origin that translates as « he who carries the sun »), the horizon of this ancestral land was revived by the luminous flame of a new lighthouse. In most cases, the annexation of a land signifies the downfall of the local culture. However, with the line of Ptolemaic pharaohs, this was not the case. Instead of destruction, they focused on rebuilding the country to its former glory. Under the influence of Aristotelian Philosophy, Greco-Hellenistic culture blended with the teachings of the Egyptian mystery schools and the ancient traditions of the Mesopotamian world. The initiatory teachings received by the Greeks were not entirely new, as it is said that Plato (428-347 BCE) and Pythagoras (570-495 BCE) had already uncovered their secrets. The city of Alexandria, renamed after its conqueror, became a hub of knowledge and exchange for scholars and magi interested in Hermeticism. In this magnificent city, the gnose (« gnosis » translates from Greek as « knowledge ») flourished. However, most of the manuscripts produced during this era seem to have perished in the flames of the infamous library. This act of barbarism against the legacy of our historical counterparts not only marked a shift in societal beliefs, but also symbolized the beginning of Roman domination over our civilization for centuries to come.


Even though the power of Rome may not be as dominant or visible as it once was, its influence has undoubtedly endured through the ages. After expanding its territory through conquest, the Catholic Church, as the direct successor of the Empire, solidified its hold on individuals’ soul through the crucifix.

YHWH watches over the Latin cross of the Saint-Roch church - Paris, France

Fortunately, for tradition, seventeen manuscripts from Egyptian Philosophy during the Ptolemaic era resurfaced under the translations of Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) – a notable figure of the Italian Renaissance. These texts, known as the Corpus Hermeticum, are considered to be the founding texts of Hermeticism. On the path of the sages, their radiant Philosophy acts as a natural prism, breaking down the Light of divine revelation into the following themes :


-       Order of the cosmos

-       Unity (omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence of the Lord)

-       The sun

-       The demiurge

-       Cohesion of the spheres

-       Fusion of opposites and polarity

-       The visible and the invisible

-       The truth and illusion of our reality

-       Creation through the circular movement of unity

-       The noos and the creative will

-       Time, space and matter

-       Body, soul and spirit

-       The good, the beautiful, the good and the right

-       Vices and virtues

-       Creation is an Art and the notion of harmony

-       L’Ogdoade

-       Intelligence and its relation to the god-man

-       The 12/10 (or 6/5) ratio

-       The zodiac and astrology


Obviously, the mention of astrology in this list may seem surprising, but it should be noted that the Magi-initiates have always considered it as the cornerstone of all the sciences in ancient times. Along with magic and alchemy, this esotericism forms the 3 operative paths of Hermetic Philosophy, known as theurgy. These paths are intertwined and cannot be separated from each other. It is unlikely that an alchemist would identify themselves as such without having undergone initiation in the magisteriums of the other two disciplines. The importance of this trinity was well understood by the Greeks, as evidenced by the name of the god associated with the father of Philosophy, the aptly named Hermes-Trismegistus. This name is commonly translated as « the 3 times very great », but there is also a phonetic interpretation that suggests another level of meaning: « the 3 magisteriums ». Although the Trinitarian doctrine of unity has survived in the Pantheon of the Greek world, its historical origin can be traced back to ancient Egypt. The magnificence of this testament is evident on the Giza plateau, where the 3 pyramids stand as a tribute to the timeless, immortal, and indestructible nature of the divine trinity. It is impossible not to be overwhelmed by the grandeur, greatness, and genius of the civilization that constructed them. The geometric, astronomical, and energetic properties inherent in these structures reveal the beauty of a mindset that our modern society has yet to match.


The legacy of intelligence, originating from the dawn of time, is embodied in the attributes of the Egyptian messenger of the gods, Djehuty-Thot, often compared to Hermes-Trismegistus by the tradition. According to the writings of Jean Phaure (1928-2002): « He is known as the scribe of the divine Ennead and the tool used by the god of the universe, the creator of languages, and the great magician of the spheres in the original creation. Alongside Ptah, he calls forth the world into existence through the Word. Above all, he is the one who presides over the order of the world, the great calculator, the master of the cycles of time. »

It is important to point out that in the theogony of the Egyptians,
Djehuty-Thot was not considered a god in the true sense of the term, but rather as a neter (which is very close phonetically to « nature »), which is the anthropomorphization of a Force, an action of divine immanence in the manifested world, or a kind of hypostasis or æon, as the Gnostics liked to define it. We cannot simply offer you the key to unlock the 12 verses of the Emerald Table (Tabula Smaragdina in Latin or Lawḥ al-zumurrudh in Arabic), on which the entire firmament of the Hermetic Philosophy is synthesized.


All occultists, well-versed in the history of religions, have become fascinated by the writings engraved on an emerald – a precious green stone. Depending on their culture and era, the most knowledgeable among them have produced a series of translations, varying in accuracy from the original Arabic version written in the ninth century: the appendix to the Book of the Secret of Creation (Kitāb sirr al-Halīka). From a traditional standpoint, the Arabic connection is significant, as the descendants of the Persians drove the Byzantines out of Alexandria in the seventh century, and subsequently became the active carriers of initiatory transmission through necessity.


Personally, I prefer the translation made by Hortulain from the Latin Vulgate in the fourteenth century:


      I.         It is true without lying, certain and very true

     II.         What is below, is what is above: and what is above, is what is below, to work the miracles of one thing.

   III.         And as all things have been, and have come from one, through the mediation of one: so all things have been born of this one thing, by adaptation.

   IV.         The Sun is its father, the Moon is its mother, the wind carries it in its womb; The earth is his nurse.

    V.         The father of all the Telesme of everyone is here. His Force or Power is whole,

   VI.         If it is converted to land.

 VII.         Thou shalt separate the earth from the Fire, the subtle from the thick gently, with great industry.

VIII.         He ascends from earth to heaven, and again he descends to earth, and he receives the Force of higher and lower things. Thou shalt have by this means the glory of all; and for this all darkness will flee from you.

   IX.         It is the strong force of all Force: for it will overcome every subtle thing, and penetrate every solid thing.

    X.         Thus, the world was created.

   XI.         From this will come admirable adaptations, the means of which is here.

 XII.         That's why I was called Hermes-Trismegistus, having the 3 parts of everyone's Philosophy. What I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished, & completed.


These verses have a curious resonance with the prologue of the Gospel of St. John, quoted below:


      I.         In the beginning was the Word (the Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

     II.         The Word was with God in the beginning.

   III.         All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.

   IV.         In him was life, and the life was the light of humanity;

    V.         And The Light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

   VI.         A man came, sent from God, whose name was John.

 VII.         This one came for a witness, in order that he could testify about The Light, so that all would believe through him.

VIII.         hat one was not the light, but came in order that he could testify about the light.

   IX.         The Word was the true Light, which enlightens every man by coming into the world.

    X.         He was in the world, through whom the world was made, but the world did not recognize him.


Indeed, the similarities between the two texts are striking. Therefore, it is possible that the scribes of the Catholic Church were inspired by the wisdom contained in the Hermetic texts.


In the creation of the ‘Holy Scripture’ the plagiarism of earlier manuscripts by the Fathers of the Church is confirmed in two instances. Firstly, the Gospel of John bears a striking resemblance to the Gnostic Gospels of Cerinthus, which were written in the first century of the Christian era. Secondly, the apocalypse (« apocalypsis » comes from Greek as « revelation ») written by St. John, is an amalgamation of numerous sacred texts such as the Book of Enoch or the Book of Ezekiel.


In a way, the desire to incorporate ancestral knowledge into the message of Christ's favorite apostle, who is often depicted wearing a green cloak in iconography, suggests that Catholicism may have been influenced by pre-existing pagan doctrines. Additionally, it is important to remember that before the invention of the printing press in the fifteenth century, it was relatively easy to falsify manuscripts, and those seeking religious dominance frequently engaged in this practice with great success. For example, scholars are aware that the Ten Commandments, believed to have been given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, are actually a direct copy of paragraph 1:125 from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Whether you like it or not, Judeo-Christian theology is a pale copy of the Gnostic precepts of the neter with the one green eye: Hor or Horus – the Egyptian light-bearer. There is nothing new under the sun; the Hebrews also recycled ideas that existed before them. This is why the various biblical texts, the Pentateuch, and the canonical gospels can never be considered historical truths or indisputable theological references.


In spite of everything, even if altered, sacred literature still conceals initiatory treasures that it would be beneficial to examine. This is because theosophical syncretism, which can be found in texts from various cultural backgrounds, suggests a common origin, a syncretism that could be seen as a primordial tradition, as René Guénon liked to define it.


With that said, let's get back to the verses of the Emerald Table.






The first thing that draws our attention in these verses is the groundbreaking idea that a Force (« the Word » in the prologue to St. John) is responsible for the creation of the world, the functioning of the sun (a symbol of Light), and the mediation of unity. This ancient belief in the origin of matter closely mirrors the statement made by Max Planck, Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 1919, who stated: « All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter. »


One cannot help but be astounded by the knowledge of the initiates of antiquity. They had already understood concepts that the men of the twentieth century were just beginning to discover. It is remarkable that the existence of God is suggested by this luminary of the scientific community. The reality of inaccessible, indescribable, and immeasurable fields can no longer be regarded as an artifice of science fiction films or as the ramblings of the masters of wisdom from the East. It is true that our generation automatically thinks of George Lucas' films whenever the idea of a force is mentioned. However, it is important to note that no one suspects that Master Yoda's description of the Force to his young apprentice: « My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force flow around you. Here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, yes, even between the land and the ship », is similar in every way to that of the Magi tradition. Mastering the Force means, as you guessed it, reaching the rank of knight... After long centuries of religious ineptitude, adogmatic science and popular culture can finally be reconciled on the fertile ground of Gnostic clairvoyance.


Through these revelations, a concept which links creation to the will of an intelligent consciousness or demiurge, the 12 verses of the Emerald Table serve as a guide to understanding the primacy and accuracy of the vision held by followers of Hermes. While modern science primarily focuses on observable and material effects, our ancestors already delved into the spiritual realm, beyond the constraints of time and space, and sought to comprehend the source of manifestation.

Hermes' caduceus on the façade of the Orsay Museum - Paris, France